giant bamboo

英 [ˈdʒaɪənt ˌbæmˈbuː] 美 [ˈdʒaɪənt ˌbæmˈbuː]




  1. The researchers said that giant pandas evolved from bears that ate both plants and meat, and started eating bamboo exclusively about two million years ago.
  2. The mystery of why giant pandas are forced to spend 14 hours a day eating foods has finally been solved-they can only digest around 17 per cent of the bamboo they swallow.
  3. Bao Bao now lives in her own area of the giant panda habitat, eats significantly more bamboo and solid foods ( like sweet potato), and is mastering training behaviors just like her parents.
  4. The effects of wildness training giant pandas grazing and artificial harvesting on the regeneration of umbrella bamboo ( Fargesia robusta) clone population
  5. Giant pandas have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo.
  6. Giant panda, is bamboo really nice to eat?
  7. And I took a giant bamboo
  8. It is found that the bamboo is not eaten by giant pandas, giant pandas ′ foods are the sprouts, 2-3 years old bamboo stems and branches in old bamboo forest.
  9. Approach for surveying and management of giant panda bamboo resources by means of GIS
  10. Although bamboo blooming can accelerate the population extinction of giant panda, it will not cause a catastrophic effect since the Nature Reserve has quite a few bamboo species.
  11. This paper summarizes bamboo distribution, biologic character and bamboo flowering in giant panda habitat with view to explore feasible ways to protect bamboo resources and giant panda as well.
  12. The age determination of the giant panda's staple food bamboo stems
  13. The Mathematical Model of Giant Panda and Bamboo
  14. The mathematical model of giant panda and bamboo was studied in this paper.
  15. Delicious food in Guangzhou The Dual Effect of the Giant Panda Edible Bamboo and Prevention Countermeasures
  16. Logging in the Giant Panda habitat caused the decline of species richness, species dominant, diversity, bamboo density, bamboo canopy density, and had an influence on the Giant Panda's adaptability and the quality of its habitat.
  17. Giant panda is one of the species that is in severe danger, whose protection gets the earthling attention, thus the researches of staple food bamboo for giant panda become the chiefly task to protect this rarity animal.
  18. After investigations on giant panda in the region of Qinling, Shanxi province, the author tried to explain the relationship between bamboo forest type and distribution with wild animal, and the most important for development and survival of wild animal were humain activities.
  19. Advances in Ecological Process of the Giant Panda Staple Food Bamboo Forests
  20. The indicator system for describing the degradation of giant panda's habitat is developed, including three kinds of indicators as topography, forest community and feeding bamboo.
  21. Bamboo is a main food for giant panda. Amino acids ( AAs) contents and its ratios among AAs of bamboo ingested by captive giant panda were analyzed to provide reference theory basis for diet preparation for giant panda.



  1. immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks

      Synonym:    kyo-chikuDendrocalamus giganteus